1. Pommes Frites may have some of the yummiest fries I have ever tasted. If you find yourself in the East Village of NYC, make the trip to get these. They have all these great sauces for the fries, like Mango Chutney Mayo, Roasted Garlic Mayo and good ole regular Ketchup. hmmmmmm

2. I've determined that my least favorite thing about the holidays, is not the annoying X-mas music, nor the long lines at stores, it's the goddamn glitter they put on everything. It's on ornaments, cards, wrapping paper, wreaths, and just about everything else that is holiday themed.
3. Finally got around to seeing the Polar Express last night. Good movie, but there are some seriously creepy looking faces and moves by the CGI animated characters. I mean, like Gary Busey looking faces on a serious bender. And what was up with that ghost too.

4. I really don't get how Biggie and 2-Pac can keep putting out albums when they are no longer with the living. But apparently the money starved people behind their careers and sadly, also the people with control of their music, feel the need to keep issuing music, long after both their deaths. I have been seeing lots of adds lately for Biggie's new album, The Final Chapter. Which by the way, is one of the most anticipated hip hop albums ever, well at least to the poor schleps peddling it. Somehow, the album utilizes snippets of Biggie's rhymes and pairs it with contemporary hip hop stars, with beats coming from a who's who of the hot knob turners and mixers of the day. I dunno, this whole thing just seems weird. Like those weird Coke commercials, with Paula Abdul and Fred Astaire, or the one with the Duke. I guess the next thing to do is have Keith Richards return from the grave and pair up with long time Rolling Stone bandmate Mick Jagger. Oh wait, Keith is still alive, somehow.
5. Stephen A. Smith needs to be stopped. I don't know if any of you have ever seen this guy on ESPN. He's like the retarded kid that thinks he knows everything or the annoying Jar-Jar character from Star Wars Episode 1 .

6. That Snickers commercial where the guy is wearing the Snickers bars as a toupee is seriously funny. When he's crying at the end and rips it off, I cannot contain myself. I wish I could find a link for this, but I can't. Only some weird internet babble from the guy who I guess lost out on the part for the commercial. Just watch TV, you'll see it on at some point.
7.While walking around today doing some Christmas shopping, I was rockin some Failure, specifically their final album, Fantastic Planet. Failure was Ken Andrews and Greg Edwards for the most part, with various other member involved as the touring band. Sadly, this band has gone crimminally underrated for years, aside from a pretty good sized cult

biggie and 2pac are a bunch of posthumous bastards. you love the fact that i used a big word
It's unfortunate, but I think biggie and 2pac are going to have new albums out long after I'm deceased.
Even though I don't like rap anymore, those guys were pretty damn good. The worst part about the "new songs" are that I usually recognize the exact same lyrics from freestyles that were aired on radio programs in 1995.
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