What the f'ing hell happened last night on LOST. Man, there have been some crazy twists and turns this season, but I gotta tell ya, I didn't see that coming. The sex, the picnic, the shootings. Did Michael go nuts? Did he hate those other folks? What the hell happened?

My friend Colin's band The Attorneys, have entered a contest to get their song on some new movie with that assbanger, Josh Hartnett. Hey, he sucks,

Actually, that leads me to this. What do you do when someone keeps trying to be your friend on Myspace and you keep rejecting them? I mean, at least four or five times now. Do you just not respond? Do they know you've rejected them? And no, it's not her. I mean, can you really reject a young impressionable girl like this, who has a webcam! HA! Remember, when Myspace first started and would allow crazy porno pics up. Rupert, I blame this on you!
Listening Pile
Been listening a bit to that Wolfmother record. I have to say, I was drawn in by the hype a little. So I felt inclined to give the record a fair shot. Man, was I wrong. I like this band the first time around, when they were called Black Sabbath. WTF! This band is lame and so unoriginal, they make the Yeah Yeah Yeahs look like Sonic Youth. Wolfmother completely rips off Sabbath, down to the riffs and melodies. Except for the one song on the album where they rip off the White Stripes, this sounds like it could be the new Sabbath album. Man, what a disappointment.
Anyhow, with the bad, I give you the good! These guys are my new friends, well on myspace at least. I swear, I really don't go on myspace that much. I digress. So, The Picture

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