The Whole Foods by us, just made it that much better to go to. Last week they opened the
Beer Room. With 200 different beers, from pilsner and weisse to lambic and porter, they've got anyone's beer needs covered.

You can also fill a 64 oz. growler with one of six local beers on tap. The first one I went for was,
Bluepoint No Apologies Double IPA. Malty flavor upfront followed by a pleasant caramel sweetness and it's got a crazy 10% alcohol content. It was pretty good to say the least.
So glad that the NFL came back this week. There's no better thing to do on a Sunday than be lazy around the house, kick back watch some football and take naps. Seriously, I can think of no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Anyhows, if you watched any football this weekend, you noticed the Patriots and Colts looked pretty good, as expected, and everyone else is basically playing for third place. Huge disappointments from New Orleans, Kansas City, and both New York/Jersey teams.

I keep reading lots of pre-season picks saying the Jets and Giants should win 8-9 games, which I'm finding really hard to believe. I can easily see both teams not winning more than 7 games. Rutgers easily won against Navy on Friday, to start their season at 2-0. Not too shaby. And how about A-Rod. Think he's got something like 7 home runs in his last five games. Sick! Hope he continues to hit well going into the last month of the season and hopefully, the postseason.
listening pile:
Definitely my favorite album of the year,
Fil m School returns w/
Hide out. The band has mastered a dark pop sensibility that reminds of you of all the best qualities of new wave, shoegaze, and alternative rock. With the help of Phil Ek, who mixed the new album, the band found a dense, layered, dark texture with swirling guitars, dreamy production and instrumental flourishes that the band incorporate almost perfectly into every song. The guitar intro of 'Dear Me' pretty much leads you into the compressed, noisy guitar and synth-drone atmosphere of the entire record. To say this album is shogaze is an understatement.

Not only are there are some female vocals, courtesy of new bassist Lorelei Plotcyzk, but guest musicians, like Colm O’Ciosoig of MBV, help deliver the best shoegaze album not born of the 90's. This album kills from start to finish and certainly dispels any concern of a sophomore slump. Where their last album suffered from being a bit uneven,
Hide out is an ambitious effort and easily the best headphone experience of the year. Somehow, the album ends on it's best song as well, 'What I Meant To Say', which could be the most rocking and complex song on the album.
1 comment:
very very good beers in growlers rulessssssrr
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