1. How about that episode of Lost last night? Pretty good stuff. I bet no one saw that coming. For you suckers that haven't seen the episode yet, I'll spare you the details. I am loving the twists and turns of the second season. The passengers in the back of the plane, showing up on the other side of the island!

2. Sports writers, not funny. Check this out from Yahoo Fantasy Sports. "Pittsburgh protected Batch last week against Green Bay more than an overbearing father protects his hot and horny teenage daughter. The Steelers just made sure Batch could not destroy them, and all went well as all 500 of his handoffs went unfumbled." Hot and horny teenagers, just have no place in fantasy sports newsletters. 500 handoffs, come on man!

3. What is up with those weird Pomegranate juice ads. Saw one today on the way to work. "Outlive Your Spouse". What the hell, does that mean?
4. It seems like every band on Myspace that has a female singer has Blondie as an influence. Very original!
5. I loved that new XBox 360 ad I saw during ?Lost last night. With the crazy water balloon fight. While we're at it, the Cingular ad with Cat Power doing the Nerves, "Hanging On The Telephone". Good stuff too!
6. Does anyone really care about Madonna and her lame new album? I can't stand her anymore. She's such a fucking hypocrite. I just want the old, slutty Madonna back. And, why is she showing up to Misshapes on Saturday nights. Who's fucking next???

7. I am loving this new Gravenhurst CD. It's called Fires In Distant Buildings. I first heard one of their songs on WOXY.com and was so intrigued I hunted down a copy of this album. You can find out more info here and even check out songs clips. Most of the record finds itself drowned in post rock slowcore, but explodes on 'The Velvet Cell' and 'The Velvet Cell Reprise', both of which add an excellent propulsive dimension to the album. I have to listen to this album a bit more to figure it out, but really digging it so far.
Listening to Black Moon a lot lately. The last few days, it's been on the iPod during my walk to and from work. Black Moon, put out this amazing album back in '93, entitled Enta Da Stage. They never got their fair share of props like groups such as Mobb Deep, Wu Tang Clan or even, Lords of the Underground, but man did Buckshot, 5ft, and DJ Evil D, put out one of the greatest hip hop albums of all time. With plenty of old school hooks and catchy samples, this album brings me back to the hey day hip hop's greatest period.
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