I have to say, I have read some of the funniest headlines over the past two days. Did anyone read about those Carolina Panthers cheerleaders that got busted in Tampa after a bar dispute.

Both were arrested at a bar after witnesses told police the women were having sex in the restroom. They were accused of striking some of the other bar customers. This is great. All the more reason, why they should have a reality show about cheerleaders and of course, show a lot more of them in between plays.
Ran into this bit of juiciness on yahoo. Apparently, Abercrombie & Fitch is going to pull tees after "girl-cott".I guess some girls objected to the slogans on the shirts.

There are another four or five here:
A&F Shirts Can you believe some exec. actually approved this. Can you think of the meeting where somebody was like, "yeah, these are great. I bet we'll sell a ton of these. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA A&F had this to say: "We recognize that the shirts in question, while meant to be humorous, might be troubling to some."
I've been listening to this Dungen album a lot lately. I know, it's been out for a while now as an import. And, yes, everyone knows about them. Even those clowns at Pitchfork gave it a glowing review. Yeah, I slacked on this album, bigtime. Funny thing is, before I got a copy, I'd heard this record a bunch of times around my office, just had no clue it was them.

When I finally got my copy, which is the double disc from Kemado, the digipak was busted. One of the cd trays was falling off. So weird. Finally popped it in only to realize, "oh, this is that record I'd heard around the office I liked". So for that I get the big Duh of the day! But this album is amazing psych-pop from Sweden. I have no idea what this guy is singing about, but man, does he have some amazing melodies. If you're slower than me or brother Lenny, you should try to check this out. Also, I recommend trying to find the double disc, which comes with a bonus disc, with five more great songs.
And on a final note, don't you love SPAM. Check this one out:
New ClALlS softtabs = lNSTANT R0CKHARD ERECTl0NS Simply disolve HALF A PlLL under your tongue 10min before action,
for results that last all weekend.
My question is, how do you get around w/ a stiff all weekend?
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