1. Freakin LOST. Goddam them to hell. I'm really getting sick of having to wait weeks on end to see a new episode. I wish this (be careful, first time I saw this, I threw up in my mouth) upon all the big wigs that make me wait for a new episode. Though the one I watched last night was one of the best of the season.

2 Why is the Three 6 Mafia doing a song with Paris Hilton. This is just nuts. Plus, Dr. Dre already did the girl making the blowjob sounds on a record thing. Anyhow, I know the Three Six guys won like 18 grammys.

3. Last week, I saw Prodigy at the Nokia Theater (yeah, we know I despise that place). Not only was the band fantastic, burning away through hits from the past, like "Firestarter," "Smack My Bitch Up," and "Breathe", but they also mixed in newer songs like "Spitfire" and "Hot Ride," from their most recent disc, Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned. I saw the most amazing crowd I've seen in ages.

4. I need to find a contact at Nike that can score me some out of print sneakers. I swear, I spent all Saturday searching for these. I swear it's like they only make a limited for midgets and freaks. How could you have ten pairs in size 7! Then I spent the next few days trying to find them online. These are pretty hot. I actually have a pair in another color. Nothing beats old-school Nike. Well, except maybe old-school hip hop.
5. It's now been ten years since Placebo burst onto the UK music scene with their self-titled debut album. Instantly pegged as Bowie and glam revivalist, they put out some of the most interesting, beguiling and androgynistic records of the past decade. I still remember seeing them open up a K-Rock show with Kid Rock on the bill sometime 98, and rowdy fans calling singer Brian Molko a fag. Always a bit misunderstood and thought provoking for US crowds(especially in the Kid Rock era), Placebo have become huge stars in their native UK and across Europe. Placebo are getting set to release their fifth LP, Meds, in the US next week, on the Astralwerks label.

6. Barry Bonds wants to crawl into a hole, because there is so much going on in his life. Sadly, Major League Baseball wants him to do that too. Apparently, Bonds is bummed about all that information coming out on his steroid use, tax evasion, his ego and his mistress. Man, this guy needs to shut up.

7. I saw Snow Patrol for the first time the other night. I'd really loved their last two records, and also the Reindeer Section, side project dubbed a Scottish indie super-group, which singer, Gary Lightbody participated in with members of Arab Strap, Belle & Sebastian, Idlewild, Mogwai and Teenage Fanclub. Well, Snow Patrol's last album, The Final Straw, blew up across Europe, and here in the US as well. Even getting them a slot opening up for the omnipotent, U2. And being featured on one of those annoying AOL Session on Demand. Snow Patrol did an intimate show at the Bowery Ballroom, and man, did they kill. They really rocked out all their songs, adding a really incredible live dynamic to the songs. I had a few problems with the evening. First of all, with their growing popularity, their fans have gone from indie rockers, to fans of the oc, frat boys and sorority girls. While being great for the band, really hurts them in a live setting. I can still hear those guys screaming to chug and those girls yapping away during the quiet parts. They also butchered my favorite song from Final Straw, "Grazed Knees," and during new single, "Hands Open", singer Lightbody played sans guitar, like they are trying to add some sort of front man status to him. Lastly, they had the god awful Martha Wainwright(yes, Daughter of Loudon and sister of Rufus) come out and do a song with them. Which, I have to say, the song itself sounded great, really giving me hope that maybe this album will be pretty good. But dear god! Can that woman make my balls crawl up into my abdomen pretty fast. God she sounds like a someone beating a bag of cats against a wall.
Listening Pile
Just came across this great review of Ian Love's new Self Titled album.

Best two songs I've heard today. Radiohead's "There There" and My Bloody Valentine's "When You Sleep". Man, good stuff from two amazing, and highly influential bands. Which leads me to this; I think I'm really starting to like this Pilate song I've been hearing. Of course, when you google them, this comes up, "Toronto based rock/pop band described as Radiohead meets Crowded House. MP3s and upcoming shows." Yikes! Well, OK, I can actually hear that. Anyhow, I was totally blown away by their video for "Barely Listening". Shot so well, it looks amazing, and the song is great to boot. I'm thinking the Canadian government paid for at least part of this. I totally have to track down a copy of this album.
Au Revoir Simone. They're a three-piece all-keyboard, all-girl band from Brooklyn.

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