1. I saw the Gorillaz at the famed Apollo Theater last week. It was a fantastic show. Just about all the guest stars on the record, actually made it out to play with the band at the Apollo. De La Soul, Ike Turner, Neneh Cherry, Bootie Brown, Roots Manuva, and Martina Topley-Bird. Also, Shaun Rider from the Happy Mondays made it out. Which gets me thinking, they should make TV spots of him, and use that as reasoning for kids not to do drugs. Others only turned up on tape, including Dennis Hopper and MF Doom.
The visuals for the show were not in front of the band, they didn't play behind screens the way, I guess they've done in the past. They all played in front of white screens that were shaded with different colors to go along with the one main screen that had animated images projected onto it. There were also two puppets, of Murdoch and 2d that introduced the band before the set, and for the encore.

None the less, it was still a really special show. Playing mostly songs from the most recent disc, Demon Days, they did manage to play one song from the War Child Benefit and some other song that I wasn't familiar with. They didn't play one song from the S/T debut, not even the hit single, "Clint Eastwood", which I was convinced would have been the encore.
2. I don't know if anyone saw the Strokes on Letterman this week, but wow! Wow, were they horrible. I was actually thinking to myself the other day, you know what, there are at least two or three songs on that new album that I don't hate. Of course, they didn't play any of those last night. I'm not sure what song they played, but it should have a name like "don't play with me, I have aids" or something like that. (yes, I stole that from the mcluskyism bio) I swear at one point, they all just looked at each other and realized how bad they were actually playing. It's like that moment when a guy realizes he's on Maury Povich to see if he's the baby's daddy, not to win a vacation or a new car. Julian, what the fuck, was that "Yee Haw" all about? Fab, I've got news for you, movie starts don't date guys in lame bands. Video here:
3. I finally saw Editors at Webster Hall last week. It was a good show. The band plays with lots of emotion and conviction. The played through most of the songs from their debut album, the Back Room. Also, playing "Heads In A Basket," a B-Side that was only available as a free download last week. Highlights included first US single, "Munich", and my pick for best song on the album, "Bullets". They played well, but seemed to have some trouble engaging the crowd and sounding a bit small for the size of the room. I wish I'd gotten the chance to see them at the Mercury Lounge a couple months back. They should have done two nights at Bowery or something.
4. This Plastic Constellations band needs to be stopped. On iTunes they are said to sound like Fugazi and AT The Drive-In. Which they sound nothing like. They sound like mini-Papa Roach or POD. Just plain awful! At first I thought this was a joke. But, well, no it's not! These kids think they are good and sound like Fugazi!
5. I had the flu all weekend. I'll tell ya this, I felt like total crap. I was knocked on my ass. I didn't get out of bed for two days. I didn't leave my house for four days! FOUR DAYS!

6. I don't know if anyone out there has listened to the telecast of the Mets games on SNY. But have you noticed how much Keith Hernandez (aka 'The Second Spitter' ) sounds, like James Woods. My god, it's scary. I'm just waiting for him to say "I hope you all get anal herpes!" or " Some we give them the good life, others we give it right up the ass." Which leads me to this posting I found here, on the best 'Seinfeld' sports momments. #1 was genius.

7. I've been watching the Alternative on VH-1 classic. Man, there have been some great videos on this thing lately. Blur's "Girls & Boys", Breeders "Canonball", Heaven 17, so many, I can't even remember them all. Videos I haven't seen in years. You'd think MTV would want to help that music industry thing and maybe think about playing videos again. Considering the joke that MTV and M2 have become. The best chance you have at seeing good music videos is on MTV2 Subterranean. Even then, half the show is crap major label baby bands. Ah, well. I guess you could always watch Matchbook Chemical Boy Romance on Fuse.
Listening Pile
Best two songs I've heard today, Joy Division's "She's Lost Control" and Travis' "Writing To Reach You" . "She's Lost Control" will easily top any of the bands these days that have copped their style. Dark, brooding and translike in it's percussion, this song may be one of the band's best. But I mean, come on, like Michael Bolton, I celebrate the entire catalog.

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